101 research outputs found

    Knowledge and factors influencing long acting reversible contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Nigeria

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    Background: Over a month when contraception is used, approximately 48% of unintended pregnancies occur as a result of human error, which is largely due to incorrect use, poor adherence and/or technology failure. Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods have been developed to bridge this gap because it’s not dependent on compliance with a pill-taking regimen; remembering to change patch or ring; or fixing an appointment with physicians. The main aim of this study is to examine the characteristics of women associated with use of LARC and also to examine the relationship between knowledge of LARC and its current use. Methods: This study assessed the PMA2020 secondary dataset using female datasets from PMA 2016 (Round 3) exercise. PMA 2016 was a survey carried out in seven states of Nigeria. The target population for this study was women of reproductive age (15-49 years) currently using any method of contraception prior to the survey. The weighted sample size of women meeting inclusion criteria in this study is 1927. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, chi-square and logistic regression. Results: The results showed that 21.0% of women were using traditional methods. Concerning LARC methods, the table showed that 14.8% of the sampled women were using LARC methods. Findings further revealed that at both levels of analysis there is a significant relationship (P<0.05 and P=0.00 for binary and multivariable logistic regression, respectively) between knowledge of LARCs and uses in this study. This means that the use of LARC is being influenced by its knowledge among women of reproductive age in Nigeria. Conclusions: This study concludes that 14.8% of women using any methods of contraceptive were using LARC. Additionally, after controlling for other confounding factors, level of education, age of women, household wealth and number of living children were significantly associated with using LARC

    Mapping evidence on predictors of adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes among young women in South Africa: A scoping review

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    Background: Globally, most young women have an unmet need for sexual and reproductive health (SRH), which remains a public health concern. Identifying the predictors can help reduce this challenge. Aim: This scoping review maps evidence on predictors of adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes among young women in South Africa. Method: Askey and O’Malley’s framework guided this review. We searched five databases from January 2000 to December 2020 using relevant keywords, Boolean terms and medical subject heading terms. All relevant extracted data were organised into the study themes, and summary of all the findings were reported in a narrative format. Results: Nine studies met the inclusion criteria out of 1219 studies identified. Four out of the nine studies were national-based studies, while the remaining five studies were conducted in Western Cape (two), Eastern Cape (two) and KwaZulu-Natal (one). Out of the nine studies included, three reported predictors of unintended pregnancy, while six reported predictors of sexually transmitted infections and HIV among young women in South Africa. The most prevailing predictors of adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes were gender-based violence and alcohol use, while other predictors were lower socio-economic status, place of residence, multiple sexual partnerships, low education and being between the ages of 20–24 years. Conclusion: We conclude that gender-based violence and alcohol abuse are the most prevailing predictors of adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes among young women in South Africa

    Knowledge and factors influencing long-acting reversible contraceptives use among women of reproductive age in Nigeria [version 3; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Approximately 48% of unintended pregnancies occur as a result of contraceptives failure around the world, which is mostly due to incorrect use, poor adherence, and/or technology failure. Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods have been developed to close this gap. The main aim of this study is to identify factors associated with the use of LARCs among women of reproductive age and to examine the relationship between knowledge of LARCs and the current use of LARCs in Nigeria. Methods: This study assessed the PMA2020 methodology and secondary dataset using female datasets from PMA 2016 (Round 3) exercise. The survey was conducted out in seven states of Nigeria. The target population for this study was women of reproductive age (15-49 years) currently using contraception prior to the survey. The sample size of women that met the inclusion criteria was 1927. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, chi-square, and logistic regression at a 5% level of significance. Results: The results showed that 21.0% of women were using traditional methods. 14.8% of the sampled women were using LARCs methods. Findings further showed that at both levels of analyses, there is a significant relationship (P<0.05 and P=0.00 for binary and logistic regression, respectively) between knowledge of LARCs and the use of LARCs. This means that knowledge of LARCs and socio-demographic variables among women of reproductive age in Nigeria can influence the use of LARCs. Conclusions: We concluded in this study that 14.8% of women using contraception were using LARCs. Additionally, the level of education, age of women, household wealth, and the number of living children were significantly associated with using LARCs in Nigeria. Also, when discussing contraception with women, health care practitioners should discuss the risks and benefits of LARCs with women of reproductive age and recommend them as a first-line method

    Social Distancing, Lockdown Obligatory, and Response Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic: Perception of Nigerian Social Media Users

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    Background: Pandemics are challenging for clinical and public health agencies and policymakers because of the scientific and medical uncertainty that accompanies novel viruses like COVID-19 makes an increase of morbidity and mortality prominent. Consequently, there is a need to evaluate the public perception of social distancing, lockdown obligatory, and response satisfactory during the pandemic. Methods: This cross-sectional survey used an anonymous online google based questionnaire to collect data from respondents via social media platforms. The online survey was conducted among social media users from 1st to 30th April 2020. A snowball sampling technique was employed to recruit respondents for the survey. A total of 1,131 respondents responded across the country. Results: Nine out of every ten respondents believed that social distancing is an effective measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Also, 8 out of every ten respondents agreed with the lockdown measures. However, just 36.8% think their government is doing enough to stop the outbreak, and only 25% of the respondents were satisfied with the country’s response to the worldwide epidemic. The age of respondents was found to be significantly associated with satisfaction with emergency response during pandemics. Conclusion: It could be concluded that Nigerian public accepted social distancing as an effective way of curbing the spread of COVID-19 and general acceptance on lockdown obligatory; however, more than half of respondents expressed non-satisfactory with government and other agencies responses during the pandemics

    Knowledge and factors influencing long acting reversible contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Nigeria [version 3; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Approximately 48% of unintended pregnancies occur as a result of contraceptives failure around the world, which is mostly due to incorrect use, poor adherence, and/or technology failure. Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods have been developed to close this gap. The main aim of this study is to identify factors associated with the use of LARCs among women of reproductive age and to examine the relationship between knowledge of LARCs and the current use of LARCs in Nigeria. Methods: This study assessed the PMA2020 methodology and secondary dataset using female datasets from PMA 2016 (Round 3) exercise. The survey was conducted out in seven states of Nigeria. The target population for this study was women of reproductive age (15-49 years) currently using contraception prior to the survey. The sample size of women that met the inclusion criteria was 1927. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, chi-square, and logistic regression at a 5% level of significance. Results: The results showed that 21.0% of women were using traditional methods. 14.8% of the sampled women were using LARCs methods. Findings further showed that at both levels of analyses, there is a significant relationship (P<0.05 and P=0.00 for binary and logistic regression, respectively) between knowledge of LARCs and the use of LARCs. This means that knowledge of LARCs and socio-demographic variables among women of reproductive age in Nigeria can influence the use of LARCs. Conclusions: We concluded in this study that 14.8% of women using contraception were using LARCs. Additionally, the level of education, age of women, household wealth, and the number of living children were significantly associated with using LARCs in Nigeria. Also, when discussing contraception with women, health care practitioners should discuss the risks and benefits of LARCs with women of reproductive age and recommend them as a first-line method

    Perceptions on abortion and long-acting contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in selected Nigerian States: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: It is estimated that over 210 million pregnancies occur each year, with almost half of these unplanned. The evidence further shows that about 76 million of these unplanned pregnancies occur in the developing world, with 19% ending in induced abortion and 11% of these abortions being unsafe. Abortion is greatly stigmatized in Nigeria, and the lack of a legal framework to support access to abortion services necessitates women seeking abortion services in unsafe places. This study, therefore, examines the perception of women on abortion (prevalence and stigma) on long-acting contraceptive (LARC) use in Nigeria. Methods: We performed secondary data analysis on the round 5 of performance monitoring and accountability (PMA) data for seven states in Nigeria for women of reproductive age (n = 11,284), examining responses on use abortion incidence, perceptions on stigmatization and LARC use using χ2 analysis and multivariate logistic regression models. Results: Socio-demographic factors examined were found to be significantly associated with the perception that abortion was common among women who agreed that abortion was shameful. Women residents in rural areas were more likely (OR = 1.34; p-value = 0.000). Further, married women (OR = 15.18, p-value= 0.000) were 15 times more likely to use LARC. Conclusions: Perceptions that abortion is common, and it is a shameful practice were found to be underlying contributors to LARC use in Nigeria. However, the most significant influence is the socio-demographic factors. Therefore, implementing agencies must ensure to tackle socio-demographic barriers to access and legislation of contraceptive uptake as this would reduce mortality from abortion

    Prevalence and determinants of intention to use modern contraceptives among grand-multiparous women in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    Sub-Saharan Africa, characterised by high fertility and low contraceptive use prevalence, remains one of the settings with the poorest maternal and child health indices globally. Studies have established that grand-multiparous women are at increased risk of these adverse maternal health outcomes, and contraceptive use is important to averting these adverse outcomes. Thus, this study examines the prevalence and determinants of intention to use modern contraceptives among grand-multiparous women in 10 sub-Saharan African countries with high fertility rates. The study utilized data from the last installments of the Demographic and Health Survey from the 10 leading countries with the highest total fertility rates in sub-Saharan Africa. These countries include: Angola, Benin, Burundi, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, the Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. Data analysis of 23,500 grand-multiparous women was done at three univariate levels involving a frequency table and bar chart. We employed bivariate logit and multivariate logit regression at the bivariate and multivariate levels to achieve the study objectives. A significant level was determined at p < 0.05. Our study found that less than 40% of grand-multiparous women in these high fertility countries in sub-Saharan Africa, have the intention to use modern contraceptives (39%), but country variations exist with as low as 32.8% in Angola to as high as 71.2% in the Republic of the Congo. The study found that modern contraceptives use intention among grand-multiparous women in these high fertility countries was predicted by a history of contraceptive use and pregnancy termination, exposure to family planning messages on social media, and knowledge of family planning methods. Others were women's fertility planning status, ideal family size, number of marriages (remarriage), couple's fertility desire, current age, and level of education. In the high fertility context of sub-Saharan Africa, characterized by low contraceptive use, improving contraceptive use intention among grand-multiparous women is vital for preventing adverse maternal and child health outcomes, including mortality, resulting from a high-risk pregnancy. Hence, interventions should be more innovative in targeting this group of women to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate in line with Family Planning 2030 goals, and ultimately reduce high fertility rates in the region. [Abstract copyright: © 2022. The Author(s).

    Socio-demographic predictors of adherence to coronavirus disease prescribed recommendations and lockdown psychological impacts: Perspectives of Nigerian social media users

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    Background The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a highly infectious viral disease that has spread to over one hundred and eight countries, including Nigeria. Governments across the globe have been implementing preventive measures towards curbing the spread of the virus. These measures have continued to interfere with the general lifestyle of the people. Hence, this study was aimed at examining the socio-demographic predictors of adherence to prescribed recommendations and the psychological impacts of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown among Nigerian social media users. Methods This research implemented a cross-sectional survey using an online Google-based questionnaire to elicit required information from potential respondents via social media platforms. An external link to the questionnaire was shared among Nigerian social media users between for a month, and a total of 1,131 respondents participated in the survey. The explanatory and outcome variables were displayed by frequency and percentage distribution, while chi-square analysis was used to show the relationship between the explanatory and outcome variables at a 5% level of significance. Results The study showed that 99% of the respondents reported following some of the prescribed recommendations; however, only 40.4% of the respondents followed all the recommendations. More than three fifths (63.4%) of the respondents also reported that they feel stressed during the lockdown. All the selected socio-demographic characteristics were not predictors of the outcome variables as p>0.05 except the professional background of the respondents (P<0.05). Conclusion We concluded that most Nigerian social media users were complaining to the prescribed recommendations and that the younger age group, female respondents and respondents who are more educated had a higher proportion of reporting psychological impacts of lockdown
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